Iced Raspberry Lemon Sparkler
Tea Recipes

Iced Raspberry Lemon Sparkler


  • 1 Tea Forté Iced Raspberry Nectar pyramid tea infuser
  • 2 oz vodka
  • 1 oz freshly squeezed lemon juice
  • ½ oz simple syrup, or more to taste
  • splash of sparkling water
  • ice
  • optional garnish: fresh raspberries, sprigs of mint, a twist of lemon peel

  • Directions

    1. Fill the large (lower) pitcher of the Tea Over Ice® Pitcher Set with ice.  Then place one Iced Raspberry Nectar pyramid tea infuser inside the small top pitcher. Fill the small pitcher with hot water, stack it onto the lower pitcher, and steep for 5 minutes.
    2. Once steeped, pour the raspberry tea concentrate over the ice in the lower pitcher to flash-chill.
    3. In a cocktail shaker, combine vodka, lemon juice, simple syrup, 8 oz of  the iced tea, and a splash of sparkling water.
    4. Shake well and serve in a glass over ice. If using, garnish with raspberries, mint, and a twist of lemon peel. Cheers!

    Yield: 1 cocktail

    Iced Raspberry Nectar is available in 5pk Boxes, and 20ct Bundles.

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